You performed in The Last Confession in Australia in 2014. Did you enjoy being here?

I never thought that I’d have such a successful tour, being welcomed so warmly everywhere by all the people wherever we went. That was my first time in Australia and I said to my wife at the time, I really hope it’s not the last. This [Poirot and More: A Retrospective] has just turned out so exciting for me, to be able to come back and do this particular nature of show.

David Suchet. Photo © Ben Symons

Can you tell us about the show?

It’s really my chance, with a host onstage, to talk about my career and my life and my 50 years as an actor – how I started, where I was trained, the experiences I had at drama school. They’re all true stories and some of them are very amusing. My first performance at the Royal Shakespeare Company is a story in itself. I stayed with the Royal Shakespeare Company for 13 years. Also my early days in rep living on a narrowboat with my wife. And obviously there...