My daughter Hayley recently sent me the most delightful text about a TV commercial featuring an actor on a horse, which the company she works for was making – and I quote: “This has to be the best thing I’ll hear all week… they had an emotional support pony also on set so the horse wouldn’t feel so alone. Apparently sometimes the pony is the star of the show and the horse is its emotional support horse! On set the pony took a long time to realise it wasn’t the one on-camera and was showing off stomping etc. They work together often. Burt and Domino.”

Guy Noble's Soapbox

White Goat on a Green Grass Field © Dmitry Egorov, Pexels.

Burt and Domino. What a sweet pair. Apparently emotional support animals are not uncommon. Racehorses often have a goat travel with them to the track to keep them calm and not fret so much about the big test ahead. We have the same thing in music too. There is often a ‘bumper’ in the horn section of the orchestra, a fifth extra player who is there to support the...