The mythological Ariadne continues to generate an awful lot of paper – or these days, its digital equivalent. And now there is this wildly ambitious retelling by Greek orchestral conductor Stamatia Karampini.

Stamatia Karampini

As one might expect of a conductor who has apparently stood before many of the top orchestras of Europe, the book is dramatic, complex, unusual and often florid. And, as Ariadne was most often identified with labyrinths and mazes, she perhaps explains Karampini’s structure of many, many sections.

It begins with Preludes – 1977 to 2013; then Part One: Solo, Opera, Conductor, Flat, Key. Part Two gives us Intermezzo, Orchestra, In Concert, Beat and a time sequence, and finally, Part Three – Ballet, Bars, Duet and Cadence. 

There is also “Notes” where, if you are reding the eBook version and were wondering about the meaning of “Ursäkta” on page 52, you can click to page 585 and discover it means “Pardon, in Swedish.” And, if curiosity gets the better of you, “Lyssna!” On page 78, is revealed on page 586 as “Listen!” – also in Swedish. Page 111 offers “Iperoho,” and page 587...